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Previous | Next :: Moral Outrage : Guy Fawkes Protester : Occupy St Pauls London | November 2, 2011, 9:59 pm

Moral Outrage : Guy Fawkes Protester : Occupy St Pauls London
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No more emergency loans for Greece unless they 100% state they want to stay in in the Euro Zone......... France and Germany made it clear Greece must play by the rules....... or leave the Euro Zone....... Greece having shocked the rest of the Euro Zone by announcing unilaterally a referendum...... on a deal the rest of the countries thought was a done deal to prop Greece up ....... its weird the Greek people........ the people who probably care least about the euro....... get to decide what happens in the Euro area.

Debt......... crisis........ downturn...... recession....... uncertainty.......... Financial turmoil........ As a background.......... The occupy Wall St movement had a day of action across the USA today to demand justice .........

In the UK the leader of the Anglican Church The Arch Bishop of Canterbury again called for justice and appeared to support the \'Occupy\' protest at St Paul\'s Cathedral. He said it was as if the rest of us are paying the price for the irresponsible behavior of bankers. He talked about rising global inequity between rich and poor and the possibility of social unrest because of the lack of justice. He called for a transaction tax to bring money from financial markets to the real economy.

This photograph shows a protester with the Occupy camp at St Pauls. He is Masked by the new radical face mask of protest \'Guy Fawkes\' as he sits in the muddle of tents that has been his home for 17 days.


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