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Previous | Next :: When 12 Gauge just isnt Enough : Keep it Real : LA | November 2, 2010, 11:54 pm

When 12 Gauge just isnt Enough : Keep it Real : LA
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Well without having ever done any research or audience testing of any kind...... I have been telling all sorts of commercial, advertising and corporate clients for years : 'Have something that feels real " ....... In your annual report .... in your ads ...... If the pictures look real... the numbers and the messages will feel real ........... Especially online.... but its the same for all ads ........ and brochures ......... don't go with the ultra bland stock .......... Commission your own pictures......... Stuff that is real and looks and feels real ...... :-)))

Anyway it appears that I am on the right track ......... here below are some quotes lifted from a piece on the NY Times blog about research showing that people filter out stock photos and almost deliberately do not see stock representations ......... drawn to my attention by Amin thanx baby....... he knows I think about stuff like this ............

re: research regarding eye tracking around images on web pages:

"Eye-tracking survey found that “big feel-good images that are purely decorative” are mostly ignored online, while stock photos or generic people are also intentionally disregarded. In contrast, when users know that a picture of a person is real they will engage with the image for extended periods of time."

"Mr. Nielsen concludes with some advice to those using the Web to hawk products or content: “Invest in good photo shoots: a great photographer can add a fortune to your Web site’s business value.” After all, he notes, most sites are full of “fluff — of which there’s too much already on the Web.”"

NY Times blog.... Study shows people ignore stock pictures..... full post


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