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I was working today...... quite intensely inside the club 'Socialista' in Manhattan...... the club was closed my clients had just taken it over...... its quite a cool Cuban feel place..... it feels very genuinely like Cuba itself ...... Anyway at one point the Art Directors stepped outside to smoke...... I stepped out for a chat of a minute or so too ....... then I saw this couple....... under the scaffold outside the club...... I carried on chatting with the guys and shot this at the same time..... it was the least effort for a cool image I can recall in recent history........ normally street images and most reportage pictures are hard won by hours out working the street as it were...... of this there are only three frames and nothing else leading up to it or beyond it ...... then back to the commissioned shoot....... sometimes the 'Gods of photography'* are smiling on you........ mind you they had made the commissioned shoot correspondingly hard to make up for the ease of the gift outside.
Cheers Jez XX
*'The Gods of Photography' making it either perfect or totally messing it all up for you at a whim........ 'The Photography God that giveth and taketh away'........its all a bit of a joke concept I associate with my friend Jon Jones whose photojournalism is well worth checking out anytime.
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