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Previous | Next :: Obama Rest From Health Care Debate: Dane : Atlanta : USA | October 21, 2009, 11:59 pm

Obama Rest From Health Care Debate: Dane : Atlanta : USA
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I just read in the New York Times that Obama is taking a break from campaigning or speaking on Health Care........ Im not sure this is a good idea....... It might be if we want health care reform without a public option....... er..... You know pretend reform with no change...... but I don't want that..... I want a bit of 'change we can believe in'.

According to the NY-Times its just a strategy to allow some of the partisan conflict to die down and allow debate with some Democrats in Congress who are basically hostile to change......

But Im pretty sure this all needs Obama to campaign strongly on...... he has the moral authority and a proper mandate for this change...... if its left to Congress these changes seem much less imperative or indeed less morally correct.......

I don't want to see Obama silent on this...... and I suspect nor do most of the parents of kids like Dane ....... Dane here is dependent on blood transfusions provided by the Red Cross....... Tragically he has had many operations in his young life.....

Sadly his is is the kind of illness that can bankrupt a family even families with 'health insurance'............

Cheers Jez XXXXXXX

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