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These birds seem to be the last of what I assume are the migratory birds gathering on trees and wires that I can see from our office across the roof tops in down town DC. Winter must be really setting in..... We had a tiny bit of snow ....... These birds should get rolling south to catch up with the rest.
I myself am heading north on the train to NYC at the mo .......... but I'll be flying south tomorrow......... right now Im on the last train out of DC ........ it was essential to be on it and I was cutting it fine.......... I thought I was gonna blow it...... the taxi driver was driving so slowly on the way to Union Station....... I have literally never known a taxi driver drive at this pace.......... I felt sure I was going to miss the train ........ anyway its probably a good tactic to be as slow as this in all things......... cos as I am waiting for my change he is slowly checking to see if he has any change ........ suddenly I can't take this........ I really am gonna miss the train ....... so he gets an extra $5 on top of what I had allocated as a not so cred tip.......... then I get to run like crazy across the station foyer for the departing train.
Now its 3AM........Finally I can see the lights and the distinctive yet familiar skyline of NYC as we pull alongside Manhattan Island and observe it from the New Jersey marshes......... joy of the train.......... It is only two hours late............. Yeah Fantastic!!
Cheers Jez XX
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