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So sometimes I seem to spend half my life in Atlanta..... but recently.... the last couple of months I've not been here...... so I said to Matt....... Sam's pregnancy is it starting to show?...... er......the answer to that was ..... er...... maybe just a little .... Sam and Matt are expecting twins and...... yeah.....its starting to show!
The little guy on the Belly is Kokopelli - The Flute Player (or Cocopelli)
The name ‘Cocopelli’ was inspired by the image of an ancient deity, a trickster, a traveler and a trader depicted as a rock art figure among the ancient Native American tribes of New Mexico
Kokopelli was known as 'The Joy Bringer', a mystical merrymaker and in some stories he is a god of fertility.
On Sam's tummy he was a very small tattoo that is now very big!
Cheers Jez XXX
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