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When I was hanging out in Yellowstone last month...... I decided to go by the Native American name of 'Scared of Bears' after reading about 'Chased by bears' in the Native American Museum......... There were a fair few bears about........I saw a couple of Grizzlies with their cubs....... and some lone males......I also weirdly came across yellow crime scene tape while walking...... where some one had been attacked by a bear but had luckily survived...... the bear in this picture..... a Black Bear........ popped out of the woods and ran over the road while I was driving.....I just about stopped and grabbed a camera.
Im still here in Maryland working but not on pictures I can put up...... Matt is still here too..... right now I need to sleep........ I seem to leave blogging till i can hardly keep my eyes open........ hardly improving my editing skills or eloquence...... sorry about that........
Cheers Jez XX
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