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Previous | Next :: Lemon Tea and Taxi : 3AM Cafe at 23rd and 8th : NYC | February 6, 2007, 12:06 am

Lemon Tea and Taxi : 3AM Cafe at 23rd and 8th : NYC
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So I was in New York for less than 24 hours...... Id been avoiding really thinking about 'them'.... then you was late one thing led to know how it thing...... instead of just drinking my lemon tea and remaining passive...... Im really starting to watch them...... after a bit I just can't ignore them...... its like a constant stream......... suddenly Im not really interested in my lemon tea.... Im just using the cafe as a place to watch yellow taxis and make photographs of them as they go by.

So Im in Atlanta now....... I left my wallet in the taxi at DC's Reagan/National Airport......yeah its like amateur hour..... did I manage that? Luckily I had another spare wallet on me....... but really what's goin on in my head.

A guy there tells me you are a Republican if you call it Reagan Airport and a Democrat if you call it National Airport....... its like London Derry for Unionists and Derry for Nationalists in Northern Ireland ....... London Derry/Derry......... London Derry stroke Derry we journo types and other non-partisan types reffered to it as Stroke City (Brit's call a forward slash a stroke). Maybe I should start calling DC's internal flights airport Stroke Airport as protest as being labelled one thing or another by innocent use of terminology.

Cheers Jez XX

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