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Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and winter holidays !!!!!!!! Sorry I have dropped off the screens for a week ......... I am now in Ludlow in Shropshire in the UK ......... I have been staying in a big old cottage with my family over Christmas down a little track in the woods not far from here ......... a lovely place but with no wifi not even phone signal.......... completely off grid apart from the TV ......... it was like the 70's all over again :-))))))) ......... it rained like crazy on some days so then we did watch a big pile of TV and movies......... it really was like the Christmas times of my childhood ............. it was great hehehehe ........ We did have a great time ........... I did roll into Ludlow on Boxing Day they were having a hunt meeting so I watched the horses and their riders set off from the town....... weirdly they seemed to be short of their pack of hounds ?? .......... I wondered if that was because of legislation changes concerning hunting with dogs ????? ......... but 'Mop' here did not seem to be that concerned........... she sat contendedly wearing her holiday reindeer horns and seemed to be just enjoying the spectacle :-))))))))))))))) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Happy Holidays to all readers of Jez blog :-)))))))))))) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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