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I should have been listening to old school ambient sounds of The Orb ........ as I was rolling across the empty quarter of North Dakota in the Beast Car .......... cos I definitely think this cow was listening to 'Little Fluffy Clouds' ........ weirdly this is a 40 ft plastic cow......... 'The World Largest Holstein Cow' you can see it 5 miles off as you approach on highway 94 ......... it would be wrong not to stop unless you thought it was a mirage ......... luckily I had photographic evidence that there really is a 40 ft cow close to the 94 .......... cos sometimes I think I might have just hallucinated weird stuff while driving ........ then I am not sure if it really happened............ after all a 40 ft cow at the side of the road ...... for no good reason ........ ???????
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