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Its good to see politicos and fellow journalists speaking out for a free press ........ ahead of Leveson reporting. Even David Cameron the British Prime Minister is rumored to not support any government regulation of our current free press........ which will be excellent news if proven true ..... but the Leveson Enquiry is due to report on Thursday........ and is quite likely to recommend some kind of State interference in newspapers through regulation ........
Sarah Baxter Sunday Times Mag Editor said on the Andrew Marr Show that the example of the legal force being brought against some fellow journalists already is more than sufficient to keep people in order in future ....... with Britain's previously leading editors and their then top reporters now facing prison under existing law .... it is surely proof enough that the law is already strong as it is ...... we certainly do not need stronger laws or State control of the press .........
The Mirror this morning has a great article by a foreign correspondent from Germany working in London. He is praising Britain's freedom to report ...... and its lack of regulation... in Britain journalists can just work they do not need to register....... that gives them freedom to operate and report the truth as they see it ....
I really feel strongly we photographers should not be considering registration ......... or through our professional organizations offering or agreeing to facilitate it .... We should in the first place be standing against all state regulation and registration of any description ..... We should be clear....... We don't want any government interference in the right to make photographs in complete freedom...... especially in the street .... I'm a tad worried that some British professional photographers ......... folks who are very well intentioned...... are sadly rather keen on running a register to distinguish themselves from what they call the stalkerazzi ...... the people they regard as extreme paparazzi types ............ they seem rather keen on using a press card system that would make it harder for paparazzi types...... but also I fear for new entrants and not yet established photographers to join ............ It is hoped by them that through manipulating this press card scheme they will be able to ensure what they regard as ethical behavior at all times ................. I'm a little queasy about this ........... I am not a pap ........ but I think they most certainly have their place ......... I don't think photographers organizations should be in the business of policing what pictures photographers can make in the street ......... I have been saying to my fellow British press photographers in online forums ..... that we should be clear ....... we photographers should not be collapsing the freedom to make pictures .... not for ourselves nor for any others ....... that ensuring the freedom for people to make photographs should have absolute primacy in all our thinking and actions.
PS........ Here at Jess's suggestion is the British Press Photographers Association written submission to the Leveson Enquiry
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