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I got this email today from my friend MinhTu she has been training and training and sending me little updates......... I'm always running for a flight thinking I'll do that sponsoring thing soon ........ then I suddenly look again....... wait a minute thats today/tommorrow........ woow she really is running the LA Marathon on Sunday this weekend!!!!!!!!!
Woooow !!!!!!!!! Good luck girl.......... go MinhTu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I thought I better quickly do my donation thing....... and give u guys the chance........ if you would like to ...... hey, no one could look better than MinhTu running a marathon and it is for a fantastic cause ........ :-)))
If you would like to support MinhTu in running her first marathon and donate to 'The Blind Children's Center' hit this link but you have to do it pretty well straight away now !!!!!!!!!!!
Wooooooooooowwww !!!!!!! Good luck girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh............ Go MinhTu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
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