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Hey guyz don't forget I am doing more workshops with the World Photography Organisation ........ this time in the UK :-)))))) ....... so come on u Brits ....... roll up...... roll up...... its time to sign up for London, Birmingham and Manchester for a mighty Jez Coulson reportage photography workshop .......... " The Economics of the Street " ............ these things make you run about and really lift your game we had an amazing time on the US 'Diner on the Edge of America' workshop ......... I met a great group of people and they really amazed me by their efforts and the pictures they made.... but also the strides they took, we all took collectively and individually:-))))))))))
Jez Coulson The Economics of the Street....... 17th Feb 2012 - 19th Feb 2012 Birmingham
Jez Coulson The Economics of the Street....... 24th Feb 2012 - 26th Feb 2012 Manchester
Jez Coulson The Economics of the Street........ 27th Apr 2012 - 29th Apr 2012 London
PS......... To give you a feel for how these workshops go..... Here is a crazy but touchingly nice write up to the 'Diner on The Edge of America' workshop I ran in NYC ....... by none other than 'The King of the New York Hacks'......... he was great and really pushed himself to turn out amazing pictures :
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