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People with flags there were tons of them out at the wedding......... I had really gone along to look at the British public out partying and flag waving ...........
Some people with British Union Jacks flying sometimes leave you feeling slightly alienated. One drunken slightly up market lot were shouting at others for smoking and or not treating the flag properly while being loud and drunken but obviously seeing no problem with their own behavior. They were obviously very happy with themselves singing loudly but left me and I imagine other people around them feeling vaguely uncomfortable..........
But These guys I photographed above were classic Brits having a great day out......... obviously involving a fair few beers and fun .......... But they were what I like to think of as classic Brits....... friendly and warm to all around them........ Joking and having fun together and involving others but not in an intimidating or hassley way........
I love to meet people like that........ they always just carry on with their fun and let me make any pictures I want............ :-))
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