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This picture was one I was hurriedly transferring onto a memory stick for Matt as he drove me to the airport........... yeah late as ever we love a bit of deadlining........ zapping to the airport in the big ATL......... me and Matt...... seems kind of familiar.........
We have driven something barmy like 1000 miles in the last 2 days....... :-/ :-)) .......... he is telling me about publishing contracts he thinks we should take up or not and Greg's job with Calvin Klein in London blah blah blah........ giving me my new business cards............ as I down load the final pics from an edit.......... we fly into the airport for me to run to the gate............ hey Matt here in the big ATL ...... and traditionally Marc in London........ Barry J in LA ......... Greg in up in NYC...... ( and Amin who is kind of an honoree member ) and old boyz like Neil T and Morris C and BG blah blah people too numerous to mention have always been a fantastic bunch of people to work with and fantastic friends to me......... Insight-Visual ....... its always been kind of a band of brothers....... and the odd sister like Daisy and Rebecca......... :-))....... running for the flight as ever....... but thinking of you guys.......... thanks for everything........ :-))
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