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A friend of mine was asking when I first got interested in photographing yellow cabs.................... I was thinking about it but Im a bit rubbish on remembering time-line things.......... so I figured it was when I first moved to NYC in 2001 ......... but the other day down in Atlanta Matt and I where looking through some old transparencies I had shot back in the late 1990's ......... stuff from back in the days of film........ when I was still living in London........ back then I flew into Batimore through New York then took a train down to North Carolina to follow the last steps of a murdered woman.......... its a long and wholly weird tale........... just terrible........ it will only truly horiffy you if I tell it all........ so lets just jump to the fact that I was in North Carolina photographing these fantastic yellow Beast Taxis in a little town called Lenoir NC........ with the owner of the cab firm starring.............. he was quoted in the piece........ I think this set is the earliest example of Jez Coulson Yellow Taxi Photography :-)) XXXXXXXXXXX
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